Embrace your divine power within.

Welcome in… I support others to heal and thrive through an awakened relationship with the divine power of nature. There are gifts for healing readily accessible all around. Modern society has lost touch with the majesty of the natural world. I provide practical and powerful tools to reconnect you back to the truth of what’s possible. 

I am a Healer, Author and Educator with skills as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist. By combining these powerful healing modalities, I guide others in nurturing empowerment from within to overcome physical and emotional challenges.

Every challenge is fuel for transformation.

My Philosophy

Whether the challenges you’re facing are physical or emotional, there is a root cause beneath it all. Everyone is their own best healer. Learning how to focus awareness and grow skills for resilience is the path to healing. Nature provides the ultimate support for you to develop deeper self awareness and resilience. 

You have a wealth of power within. My resources for creating well-being will help you to build courage and feel supported through the deep process of healing.

Connect with the Energies of Nature to Cultivate a Powerful Life.


The Art of Flower Therapy

A Comprehensive Guide to Using the Energy of Flowers to Heal, Thrive, and Live a Vibrant Life

Listening to Flowers

Positive Affirmations to Invoke the Healing Energy of the 38 Bach Flowers

Find Your Animal

A Spiritual Guide to Self-discovery

Healing with Flowers since 1995

Your Healing Garden Podcast

Cultivate Well-Being with the Energies of Nature

Join Dina Saalisi as she goes on location to meet with healers, artists, authors, filmmakers, musicians, herbalists, botanists, gardeners, environmentalists, and teachers, to explore insights and inspirations on how Nature supports us in creating healthy, vibrant lives. Each show Dina talks with a special guest, in their garden or chosen Nature sanctuary and focuses on the unique facet of Nature that aligns with their work.


Explore Public Experiences with Dina Saalisi