The Energy of Flowers with Winnie Pitrone and Andy Mackey

This in-person interview was recorded on December 5, 2023, on land that was originally inhabited by and stolen from the Pomo people.

The clamor of the waves crashing against rocks echoes as the scent of ocean wafts through the garden. I’m surrounded by verdant trees and not-too withered flowers, which shouldn’t be hanging on as long in this approaching winter blush. Still hummingbirds soar and dip, and bees can be seen ardently dripping with the last nectar of the season. Peeks of ocean glisten over the gate. I am intoxicated by this scene of Nature’s splendor.

Greeted by Winnie and Andy into the warmth of Jade’s Tower, the vintage structure that guards these delightful gardens, developed with the intention of alignment with Nature. The feeling is that of being in paradise, as a part of it, not separated by boundaries of defense. In my conversation with this dynamic duo of holistic land management, we talk about how to live in harmony with the rhythms of the year while mindfully tending the land. Honor and respect for all creatures, great and small is their credo, while they experience the joys of a lifestyle of loving care for the earth.

Flora of the Fields Movie

More about Flora of the Fields


The Energy of Tea with Olivia Simone and Iman Nazemzadeh


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