What is Trauma & How Can We Heal?
Trauma is defined as any emotional or physical upset resulting in the inability to live in the present without being overwhelmed by past events. The after-effects of trauma often surface as a feeling of being “stuck.” This impacts our lives in many ways until it is consciously addressed and ultimately healed.
I believe we all have the ability to heal. True healing comes in the form of acceptance and learning how to embrace stories that contribute to growth. By owning all aspects of your experience, you become stronger and able to transform trauma into wholeness of being.
Learn how my work with health coaching & Flower Essences (Energetics) contributes to transformational healing.
As a small child I suffered abuse. It’s been a lifelong journey toward healing …. if it wasn’t for digging thru the deep soil and touching the darkness …. I wouldn’t have healed.
Everything else is just a bandaid.
We can connect with the shadow and pain, embrace it as part of our experience and give it the loving acceptance it deserves, in order to heal!
Healing & Trauma Recovery Is Possible
I guide others in transforming trauma by helping them develop strong inner resources, so they can lead a healthy and vibrant life.
My transformative health programs use flower essences, nlp techniques, guided meditations and awareness practices, to help master personal empowerment. With a Healer’s Mindset, you become able to transform old patterns of illness into new ways of thriving.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) cultivates growth in perception and is used as a powerful tool to address trauma. A transformational method of healing, which is rooted in Hypnotherapy practices, NLP creates freedom from emotional triggers, leading to lasting change.
Working Together to Reclaim Your True Nature
I help to shed light on your path to transformation.
~ Learn how to manifest your deepest desires
~ Redefine your story and recreate your sense of Self
~ Embrace the joy of life!
By focusing on optimizing health, changing lifestyle patterns, and preventing illness through narrative story, a coaching partnership offers new ways to navigate and work with limiting beliefs and habitual patterns. My Narrative Health Coaching technique invites you to come to terms with your current situation, and offers greater freedom of choice to understand, manage and resiliently cope with challenges.
Counseling vs. Coaching
Both counseling and coaching can provide transformational healing experiences for those who suffer from a variety of emotional and physical health concerns. Many of my clients find it beneficial to see me to provide support and balance, alongside working with a therapist. Below is a general guide to helping you decide which path to take for your needs.
For some, mental illness can be severe. Severe mental illness is often defined by its length of duration and the disability it produces. Illnesses like bipolar disorder, severe depression, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorders stem from issues in a client’s childhood or early adult life. Many people struggle to heal these wounds. Therapists specialize and are trained in counseling for these types of disorders, and are typically best suited to assist in these cases.
For others, there is a sense of feeling “stuck,” yet wanting to discover how to move forward. Rather than being disabled by mental illness, you may feel challenged, but ready to take the next steps toward healing. Coaches help clients create, achieve and sustain goals for greater health and well-being. Coaching is an ideal way to offer support and guidance in attaining positive results and lasting change.
The Healing Process
A Conversation with Dina
~ Appointments Available Worldwide – In Person, Video, or Phone ~
Discover how to simply and effectively heal your body, mind, spirit & soul.