
Ten Best Spiritual Books

Published on https://www.sedgbeer.com/ Dina is featured as a contributor to Sandie Sedgbeer's "No BS Spiritual Book Club" under the top best spiritual books. Read about her top 10 self-improvement books. Sandie is a journalist, author, and broadcaster who has mind-expanding conversations with leading international thought leaders, teachers, authors, speakers. HEALER |...

The Synergy of Flower Essence Therapy and Health Coaching

I wanted to post an article I wrote on the Synergy of Flower Essence Therapy and Health Coaching.  Being Editor of the InterBeing Newsletter at the Teleosis Institute has been a great experience and looking forward to many more. “There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook,...

Bach Flower Essence Remedies for Topical Use

In this article, I talk about some of my favorite Bach Flower Essence Remedies for Topical use.  Current scientific studies show that disease is rooted in our emotional outlook and experience. How we view our bodies and our ability to heal is a major factor in...