Holly Healing Energy

Holly Healing Energy

~ Holly Healing Energy ~

My heart opens to universal love

I acknowledge my connection with all beings

My heart expands in peace and harmony


 The chill of winter blankets the landscape. Scarcity of flowers and wildlife provokes a natural inclination to hibernate. On the darkest days, taking time to reflect inwardly provides a source of light amid the shadows. Connecting with self allows for connection with others.

Throughout the holiday season, images of bright red Holly berries abound but it is the snowy white flowers that bestow a special blessing upon us. As I reflect on the energy of this majestic flower, equanimity and harmony soothe my soul. Like angels spreading their pure wings, love washes over my being and indeed conquers all. I embrace my divine unity with the human family.

As I welcome this affinity, I feel a love that extends far and wide. My heart expands and opens to warmth; a renewed ability to touch the hearts of others from this depth of benevolent spirit. A profound call resounds: Peace on earth, goodwill to all!

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