Nature Heals and Cultivates Balance

Nature Heals and Cultivates Balance

Nature Heals and Cultivates Balance

Developing deeper self-awareness is the key to managing day-to-day challenges and remembering that nature heals and cultivates balance.  Finding our unique inner rhythm in order to cultivate balance helps us better handle difficulties as they arise.  Maintaining practices that support us is the key to health and vitality.

In my work as a wellness coach, I am finding that using Nature as an awareness practice is something that all humans inherently respond to.  Opening to the profound mysteries of Nature is a daily practice we can easily integrate into our lives by simply taking notice.

Each morning, I watch the sun rise and drink in the wonder of the vast sky as the stars fade.  Each morning I marvel at the perfection of the beginning of a new day.

I wonder how, at times, it can elude us?  How does it slip through our grasping fingers, as we search for more material thrills?  Why do we continue to chase after something that is already available to us in the present moment?

Stop.  Give pause.  Recognizing the symbiosis between humans and nature is a deep practice.  We exist within Nature, alive in it’s natural rhythms.  There are many opportunities for connecting with Nature, everywhere, if we allow it.  Because nature heals and cultivates balance, it is the ultimate healer.  Food and flowers readily available for nourishment and medicine; Nature gives.

Sunrise awakens soul ~ Pink dappled sky illuminates ~ Silently waits for eyes to see

Remember how you felt when you were a child, on a warm summer night, in awe of the illuminations of fireflies?  Or at the end of a long winter, when you noticed a crocus bud popping out of the snow?  Nature can’t help but touch us at our core.  The next time you are walking briskly to arrive someplace take notice of the butterfly floating effortlessly in your path or the sweet scent of roses wafting deliciously from nearby.  Allow yourself to drink in the imagery and sounds that are here stunningly and for free.  Stop.  Give pause.  And resume life, with a fuller, richer sense of being.

Yesterday a ladybug caught my eye as she perched on the new blossom of a white yarrow flower.  I bent to allow my fingers to glide over the stalk and held it steady so I could gaze upon this scene.  I let it wash over me.  I recognized the true healing at my fingertips, letting it fill my senses.



How is this energy passed between different living species?  The vibrations we share occur at the most subtle level; the very deepest level.  And the healing occurs.  Stop.  Give pause.  This is the practice.

On a daily basis, do we truly feel the wonder of walking on fresh ground and breathing in wild flowers?  Are our eyes open to the sticky, pale green leaves slowly unfurling as they awaken from sleep?  Do we take care to notice and give ourselves over to it?




 “If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.”  Rainer Maria Rilke, Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems

 “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.  There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature-the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”  Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

“Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares drop off like autumn leaves.”  John Muir, Our National Parks

As I sit with the sunrise and take it in, the sky becomes dappled pink.  A perfect hue reminds me of this power greater than us all; our unity as beings on this planet.  A religion of sorts, I give myself over.  Everyday.  I allow this force to guide me on my humble journey.

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