Walnut Healing Energy
My boundaries are resilient as I encounter external forces
I am protected as I cross over thresholds of change
I trust my sensitive awareness to guide me
One of the most mystical of all the Bach flowers, Walnut provides a three-fold transformation, that is so very relevant during this current time of transition. This is the flower of choice for empaths, or for anyone who is sensitive to the world around them and absorbent of outside energies. Whether a disruption in our day-to-day doings or feeling the fray of a world in disarray, Walnut brings us back to center in a way that is both shielding and comforting, providing a felt sense of safety, within the greater sphere of life.
As I stand below the tree, branches laden with oddly shaped flowers, I reflect on this force of nature, showering its bright yellow pollen upon us. With this rain, comes newfound courage to forge ahead in the process of change, that would otherwise seem daunting. This mighty tree-flower, energetically carries us over the threshold of new experience and leads us to prepare for the next revolution of life.
Perhaps the most obscure use of this essence ally, is that of completing a cycle or ending an unhealthy connection. Greater than simply moving on, we become completely cleansed of that which binds us, be it person, place or thing. Walnut helps us to realize our inner-strength and offers us the fortitude to carry on and embrace our choices, ideals and inspirations with confidence and clarity.