Flower Remedies Winter Solstice

Flower Remedies Winter Solstice

Flower Remedies Winter Solstice

Dear Magical Beings,

Welcome the return of the light! I am so ready for the sun to begin to climb higher in the sky and to greet the lengthening days on the December 21st Winter Solstice. Nature is the reason for the season. This reflection arises for me as I recognize the shifting cycles of the year as a universal experience that every living being shares. In this way, we can see Nature as the one source that guides and nourishes every one of us throughout all of the seasons. It is within these rhythms that we can cultivate a sense of balance in all areas of our lives.

In this time of emergent light, I invite you to embrace the energy of joy. Since joy is an inherent state of being, to experience joy is part of our soul purpose. Why else would we want to alleviate our pain and suffering? So that we can feel better. So that we can experience the ecstatic dance of life. So that we may live in harmony with nature and discover a joyful existence. So, this is the Solstice gift I bestow upon you. A wish for you to cultivate joy every day, and to know that you deserve this, always.

With love & flowers,

Flower Remedies Winter Solstice

I’d like to share some of the Bach flower remedies that can help to activate a sense of joy, by shifting the impeding emotional challenges:


Holly is used when we feel closed-hearted. There is usually anger, hatred or jealousy. The transformation is that of a sense of love for humanity, thereby a deeper sense of inner-bliss.

Wild Rose

Wild Rose is a beautiful energy that counterbalances apathy. A depressive state where we no longer care about life and won’t do anything to change it. A useless feeling that becomes transformed into engagement with life and newfound inspiration.


Balances a dark state of being, where we feel hopeless. Bereft of faith with an inability to go on, the potential from this flower is that of…hope! A restoration of spirit is brought about through a brighter outlook on life.

Sweet Chestnut

Aids in the grieving process. For times when we’ve lost a loved one or feel extreme sorrow about any loss, this ally offers a sense of safety within—a deep cleansing process that enables us to gracefully move through suffering.

Rock Water

Rock water is used to assuage rigidity and to engage a sense of playful joy, for when we set a high standard for ourselves and find it hard to relax. This remedy allows us to effortlessly experience the essence of fun.

* Some of my favorite Bach Flower Remedies for Topical use

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